Monday 12 January 2009

Anti-Bystander Education

"Ervin Staub has been at the fore of this anti-bystander education. In the 1990s, in the wake of the Rodney King beating, he worked with California's Department of Justice to develop a training program for police officers. The goal of the program was to teach officers how they could intervene when they feared a fellow officer was about to use too much force.

"The police have a conception, as part of their culture, that the way you police a fellow officer is to support whatever they re doing, and that can lead to tragedy, both for the citizens and the police themselves, " said Staub. "So here the notion was to make police officers positive active bystanders, getting them engaged early enough so that they didn't have to confront their fellow officer."

More recently, Staub helped schools in Massachusetts develop an anti–bystander curriculum, intended to encourage children to intervene against bullying. The program draws on earlier research that identified the causes of bystander behavior. For instance, older students are reluctant to discuss their fears about bullying, so each student tacitly accepts it, afraid to make waves, and no one identifies the problem—a form of pluralistic ignorance. Staub wants to change the culture of the classroom by giving these students opportunities to air their fears.

"If you can get people to express their concern, then already a whole different situation exists, " he said.

This echoes a point that John Darley makes: More people need to learn about the subtle pressures that can cause bystander behavior, such as diffusion of responsibility and pluralistic ignorance. That way they'll be better prepared next time they encounter a crisis situation."

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